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Trails of Uncertainty, Mark Buckeridge & Vivienne Dick, Installation View, Complex Dublin 2024 




Trails of Uncertainty, Mark Buckeridge, monoprint, tape, perspex and paper, Complex Dublin 2024 

Trails of Uncertainty, Mark Buckeridge & Vivienne Dick, Installation View, Complex Dublin 2024








Trails of Uncertainty, Mark Buckeridge, sticker, pencil on paper, sticker and spray paint, Complex Dublin 2024 






Trails of Uncertainty, Mark Buckeridge & Vivienne Dick, Installation View, Complex Dublin, 2024 







Trails of Uncertainty, Mark Buckeridge & Vivienne Dick, Video still, HD & 16mm with audio 10’03”, 2024





Trails of Uncertainty, Mark Buckeridge & Vivienne Dick, video still, HD & 16mm with audio,10’03”, 2024